HomeTEA - Advanced GuideT Ch 33 The path to a still mind


3 The path to a still mind — 1 Comment

  1. There may be a tendency in this chapter, to attend solely to the part of the chapter that one is working with. In particular, it may be helpful to read and reread the entire chapter as one works through the various meditations.
    This will help to maintain a perspective on this part of the journey, and especially to reaffirm the end-points of each particular stage.
    The end-points of each stage can get forgotten easily, as the initiate here is working with thought and thus memory.
    The end-points of each meditation are NOT a perfection of the particular meditation.
    For example, the first meditation is the practice of cutting of each thought at the root while maintaining awareness of your chosen stimulus (qv para 3.5) – the end point is NOT to perfect this practice, but to become able to observe the flow of thoughts with a tranquil detachment, even for the briefest of moments.

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