B 7.6.2 Blocks in Progress: Problems you are unaware of.
7.6.2 Blocks in Progress: Problems you are unaware of.
The second and more difficult stage of this process of self-evaluation is to identify those areas of your personality in which you are unaware that you refuse to face up to reality. The test to assist you in establishing the necessary intuitive insights into your own nature is simple. All Implicate Technology tests are simple, and all require considerable clarity of thinking and self-honesty if they are to be applied successfully.
The test is this: to become aware of an important aspect of your life, although at present you are unaware of this part of yourself. To a greater or lesser degree, we all, without exception, suffer from this failing. Unless you succeed in this test, you will remain blocked, with all the dissatisfaction and unhappiness which that entails.
You cannot become conscious of something about yourself of which you are presently unconscious by observing the problem directly. What you can observe in your life directly, you are not unaware of. instead, make a start by becoming aware not of the problem itself, the obstacle in your life preventing progress along the path to enlightenment, but of the effects on your life of the problem within yourself.
To progress in your self-knowledge, to satisfy the test so that you can proceed along the path to enlightenment, you need to become aware of the recurrent patterns in your life. That is to say, you are trying to find, by thinking back over your life, a series of events or emotions which crop up as disturbing repetitions in the events of your life. This process of self-analysis may encompass feelings of rejection, failure, bitter quarrels, deep frustrations or disappointments – the list of possibilities is endless.
Be clear: the sole cause of any recurrent patterns in your life is the interaction between your own nature and the workings of karma. This implacable implicate law of reality spontaneously structures the events of your life so as to bring to your attention the next aspect of your nature which it is necessary for you to understand if you are to progress along the path to enlightenment. Always keep this in mind: once you have become aware of a previously unknown limitation in your own nature, you have the opportunity to correct it and so make progress towards ending your unhappiness.
You can proceed with the test by working on yourself during your daily meditation. Do this by focusing your thoughts on the broad sweep of your life; through meditation, learn to understand the general trends of your life. After a time, and with sustained committed practice, your natural intuitive abilities will bring into your mind an awareness of the relevant pattern in your life.
When this happens, switch to the meditation practice taught in the first stage of this self-evaluation process. Now, when your thoughts drift from observing your breathing, focus them on the pattern in your life you have become aware of: committed daily practice of meditation, incorporating the insights which spring from it into your daily life, is the key to breaking out of the pattern of misery and unhappiness at the heart of your life.
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