B 6.7 What is the Implicate Technology teaching on the act of unconditioned giving?
6.7 What is the Implicate Technology teaching on the act of unconditioned giving?
A true act of giving is a gift from yourself to another, devoid of ulterior motive. A gift which is given with the expectation of a specific response is a limited, conditioned gift. True giving requires no particular response and is meaningful and beneficial for you whether or not the gift is accepted by the recipient.
The attitude of mind in which you give is of crucial importance. The true act of giving involves a natural, spontaneous desire to enhance the life of the recipient. Give according to your own intuitive nature, without being influenced by thoughts of the consequences for yourself.
Give without any strings attached. An act of giving with an expectation of certain responses is only manipulation of others disguised as generosity. Such an act produces negative karma.
True giving is an act carried out purely for the sake of the recipient. Once the gift is truly given you retain no hold or rights over it. The positive or negative karmic consequences of your action will be determined by the interaction between yourself and the recipient.
The teachings contained in this book are given freely to you, with no conditions attached. Teachings which lead to enlightenment are beyond price, so only the insignificant cost of this book is involved. This gift, the teaching of the clear setting face to face with reality, the practice leading to the clear understanding of the meaning and purpose of your life, is offered to you to enrich your life.
What is given to you through this teaching is given freely. You are free to make of this gift whatever you are able to. You owe nothing to the Implicate Technology Centre for this gift.
A gift can be repaid in many, many ways. True giving requires no material recompense. The gift of these teachings is repaid in full, as your life is enriched and transformed through the practice of these teachings.
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