I notice that copies of the books are now available from Amazon and other booksellers at a reasonable price. They are said to be edited by Zubin Geniustrainers, and I would like to thank that person or group for publicising and reprinting the books.
The books are not indexed, unfortunately, and the omissions from Book 1 Chapter 5, as noted here https://guidestoenlightenment.com/b-5-7-2-the-first-step-is-to-retain-the-sexual-energy-your-body-generates/#comment-177 have not been corrected to include women as far as I am aware. (suggestions for women are on that link)
These editors do not appear to be aware of the ITCs own website, or their illumined pdfs for tablets, although, like me, they looked for the physical centre in London back in the day.
But for men, the books will work as promised!