To start reading at the beginning of this book (or to examine the preface and synopsis of contents by chapter number), click here.
Use the arrow-links at the head and foot of paragraphs to navigate:
left hand arrow <— to go forward,
right hand arrow –> to go back.
To go to a particular chapter, take the paragraph number and click on “Jump to Chapter” in the sidebar menu. So, for e.g. Chapter 3, Para 8 Subpara 6 (3.8.6 adjust to living with undistracted awareness.) you would click on T Ch 3 and scroll down, or search within that page for 3.8.6 using your browser search facility. There are also links in the synopsis of contents to the start of each chapter. Because of the serial progress required by this book, there are fewer links than provided in the beginner’s guide.
T means “Towards Effortless Activity” the advanced guide. Every item on the Jump menu starting with “T” refers to this.
If you have any questions or comments on a particular paragraph, you can ask them in the forum below each paragraph (please read the entire book, first).